Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Just breathe

Here's a fair use paragraph, and then the rest as a link so I don't get sued. :)

All my babies are gone now. I say this not in sorrow but in disbelief. I take great satisfaction in what I have today: three almost-adults, two taller than I am, one closing in fast. Three people who read the same books I do and have learned not to be afraid of disagreeing with me in their opinion of them, who sometimes tell vulgar jokes that make me laugh until I choke and cry, who need razor blades and shower gel and privacy, who want to keep their doors closed more than I like. Who, miraculously, go to the bathroom, zip up their jackets and move food from plate to mouth all by themselves.


:sigh: Just what I needed to hear today. So, I'm getting off of this machine and enjoying some little people. But here are some pics first:

Here's my little man watching as I try to take pictures of my plants. Half of them turned out blurry so will try again today. I was pointing out a single huge blossom on my crookneck squash plant when I realized that I have fully mature peas on my pea plants!! We harvested about half a dozen little guys and ate them on the spot. Man told a story of when he was a child and he'd go eat peas right off his mom's plants and she never could tell because they bear so much fruit. Besides, regular harvest extends the bearing.

This doesn't quite do my cilantro plant justice. (where's my Uncle G's expertise when I really really want it??) It's huge! Those tomato cages are 54" tall. It's mostly flowering right now and it's a glorious thing to see. You can kind of see the tomatoes in the back which are flowering in earnest. My dill is about 2' tall. That squash flower mentioned above has a cute little baby squash growing behind it. I'm surprised that the plant itself stayed relatively tiny, but Man hates summer squash so it's probably better that way.

Here's Splinty with his new camera smile and all.

And the lot of them ready for bed. Tag got to wear street clothes since his arm wouldn't fit in his pajama shirt. Hopefully the cast will be a lot smaller. Pebbles was really tired at this point, so no smiles from her.


Kelly said...

Like the new smile on Splinty! I still can't get my Princess to open her eyes for a camera pic!

Hope things go well at the dr. appt this am

Anonymous said...

Usually clothes are harder to get on around the cast. I had to cut the arms off Bubba's pj's just to get them on him. No big deal, he was growing out of them anyway. T-Shirts, or undershirts, are a dream come true for bedtime. When Bug-Sue and Bubba broke their arms, I just kept them in T-shirts as much as possible.
