Thursday, July 05, 2007


So we had friends over and had a nice dinner. We left a bit late to go see fireworks but got a pretty good seat up on post. The kids enjoyed it. I was surprised at how short it was. I've seen more impressive displays in someone's backyard (Cheers, GR!) than what we witnessed tonight.

But I also got my first look at a real, honest to goodness, total traffic gridlock. A 15 mintue drive turned into 90 minutes of stop and go, but mostly stop. The major onramps to the highway were blocked which left people from our town anad some surrounding cities turning around and around in downtown trying to find a way to lever ourselves out of the madness.

Lesson learned: I like smaller cities, or at least ones that are laid out with greater efficiency. Also, no silly fireworks display is worth that sort of frustration.

My friend did make an excellent point, though: this is our first Independence Day as Army wives. Let freedom ring, baby! And with that, I'm hitting the hay.

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