Thursday, May 03, 2007

Waiting room habits

My kids and I were obliged to wait over an hour this morning for a Dr's appt for Princess. I never knew that getting a kid registered for kindergarten is so laborious in this state!

Anyway, everyone else had to wait longer than we did and they were all nice. Very few of them spoke English so we communicated with smiles, pointing, and waves. My kids were given much attention by one lady in particular which kept them very happy, but when her turn came things settled down into the hum-drum-drone of a talk show on the tv and people speaking to each other in low voices. At one point I happened to glance around and noticed that a man on the other side of the room was tweezing his face.

I did a sort of mental double take and then had a hard time not staring for the rest of the time we were there. I've never seen anything like it in my life.


Emily said...

That seems like something that would take a very long time, and could be rather painful. Did he have a mirror? I never tweeze my face without a mirror.

Andrea Hardee said...

Nope, no mirror. Just by feel. O_o I would be worried about grabbing skin.

jen said...

Weird. What area of his face was he tweezing? I would think that on a guy, the facial hair would be much too coarse to pull out with tweezers (w/o any pain). My mom used to tweeze her chin (she had to take hormones in her 30s to get pregnant or something) at stoplights in the car. That always grossed me out. As a rule, I never tweeze anywhere but my home bathroom. Not even on vacation.

Andrea Hardee said...

His mustache, beard area. He was Asian, so I wonder if he had sparse enough hair to tweeze instead of shave.
And I agree. Tweezing in my own bathroom is the only way to go.

jen said...

Now that I think about it...I guess you don't see many Asians with coarse beard hair, huh? I suppose it works for him. Multi-tasking.