Friday, May 04, 2007

How much of a faux pas?

My kids sometimes have a hard time getting their "her", "his", "she", "him" all straight. Tonight I was at Costco and the checker was obviously a very butch woman, complete with shaved head and lip ring. Completing the transaction she asked if my card was debit. I said "yes ma'am, I mean sir." Then I uttered an expletive in my head and hemmed and hawed for a second while she just sort of smiled and took care of business. Ugh. I feel dumb sometimes. I don't think I'm going to be as stern to my kids about getting it right in the future. Or maybe I'll be more stern. I dunno.

On the other hand, I made friends with a nice math teacher while I waited for our pizza. Gosh, that Costco pizza is cheap. Expensive relative to just about any meal I make from scratch, but a girl's gotta have a night off every now and then.


jen said...

Costco pizza is so yummy! And so are their churos (sp?). I get flustered around "shims" too. How do you address them? I just usually leave off any defining noun if I can. :)

Emily said...

Costco pizza is the best!

If it makes you feel better, I can never keep left and right straight. Dave thinks I should stop admitting that to people, because he thinks I should be embarrassed about it.