Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I'm a lefthanded gardener

I've always been comfortable using either hand for most tasks except writing (which I havn't been comfortable with in either hand), but last night while weeding I realized that ol' Lefty was doing everything while Righty just sort of held a butter knife, waiting to be needed. The soil here is so sandy that it's actually really easy to weed especially if it's been a few days since a rain.

What was I weeding? Well... nothing I had put there. I'm going over to the Self Help store today to get some tools, to the PX to get some tomatoes, beans, and herbs, and I'm a gonna plant me a salad garden. I'm gonna. Right now I have something that looks like a morning glory vine (M, correct me if I'm wrong) and a tiny, sad looking rose bush. I also found a largish weed that looked extremely healthy and leafy but as I grabbed it to toss it in the refuse pile I was suddenly struck with a burning curiosity to know what it would look like when mature. Famous last words? Who knows. It's on the side with no future veggies planting spots.

Funny how one can have more empathy for a weed and all the hard word it has put forth to be and flourish, than for those stinking gophers who put another 5 holes in my lawn last week.


Anonymous said...

I actually think it looks more like wild pansies. Let me do some research.


Andrea Hardee said...

I thought they looked a bit pansy-ish, but I wasn't sure if they grow on vines like that. They are so multi colored, too. Heck, why don't I just take a picture.