Thursday, May 10, 2007

Answering the door in pajamas.

I sometimes get caught up in taking care of kids and household business before I'm showered and dressed. I know, kind of backwards, which waking up an extra 15 mins early would fix but, whatever. This morning I was... um, not prepared to receive company when the door bell rang.

What do you do when you're in your pj's and you have no idea who's at the door, but you do know that s/he can hear your footsteps? So, you can go check and see who it is, but you can't walk away without that person knowing someone's home.

Thankfully, it was a contractor coming to do some OUTdoor repairs, so I poked my head around the door, hiding the rest of me, spoke with him briefly, then ran to get presentable.

Ok, ok. Lesson learned. I used to wake up at 0530 for some meditation time before the kids wake up, but it didn't last very long. I'm far more of a night person.

Are any of you morning people? Have you always been or is it something you've had to work for?


Emily said...

When someone knocks on my door and I'm not ready, I freeze. I don't move an inch and I don't make a sound. So that's pretty much every time the doorbell rings since Charlie has been born. I should tell my friends to call ahead.

jen said...

I never answer my door unless I know someone is coming over. I don't have kids as an excuse and sometimes I'm in my pjs until well into the afternoon.
As for being a morning person vs. night person, I can be either. When I had a regular 8-5 job, I used to get up every weekday at 5.30 and go to the gym for an hour. As soon as I started working from home though, that stopped. Now I can't seem to get myself up before 7.30-8-ish.

Kelly said...

Hmm...used to be a morning 2 kids ago. Now I'm lucky to be showered and dressed by noon. I have "windows of opportunity" to shower that are generally rare and short!