Thursday, April 12, 2007

There are kisses... and then there are kisses.

Tag's latest thing has been to pretend to be a dog. He loves to crawl around, bark, sniff people (thankfully he hasn't learned to sniff rear ends), and give doggy kisses. His favorite thing to do is to crawl up to Princess and tell her in human words that he wants to give her a kiss.

The very next thing I hear:
"Ew!! [Tag] licked me!"

Speaking of kisses, my sweet Pebbles has learned how to make kissy noises with her lips and I'm often industriously engaged in trying to teach her to kiss my cheek. The older kids are willing examples, kissing and letting themselves be kissed in demonstration. This evening I was trying once again trying to get Pebbles to lay a wet one on my cheek when...

Ew. Pebbles licked me. How... erm, lovely.

That wasn't quite the wet one I was hoping for.

Anyway, it was Tag's turn to say the dinner prayer. Here's an excerpt:

Please bless the food, and the vegetables I don't like. Please bless oingy-boingy, and the chirchink. Please, please bless the food. Please bless us with good dreams and to be safe. Please bless the perfluh-bop. I don't like vegetable but please bless the vegetables. Amen.

I have no idea what he thought we were having for dinner tonight, since he's very familiar with home made stir fry, or maybe he was quoting from a Dr. Seuss book that I havn't read yet. I can only imagine that by the number of times he asked a blessing on the food that he was secretly hoping God would turn it into pizza or hamburgers.

My dear Princess is just so busy and good at whatever she decides to do. She can clean the toy room in less than 10 minutes, she's a champ at making beds, and her teachers say that she's "mature for her age." But I also love it when she can get in the dirt with her brother, don't mind it when she presents me with a painted picture and similarly colorful hands, hair, and shirt, and she's getting pretty good at flower arrangement with all the small blossoms available from our lawn. Her creativity is safe and structured but abundant. I love how different my children are.

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