Wednesday, April 18, 2007

More Tag antics

I know I post a lot of Tag quotes, but this kid just cracks me up.

Last week he got sent to his room, and by the time he came out he had rearranged the furniture and very carefully placed a very broken set of blinds on the dresser. I asked him how they got broken but he played dumb.

Fast forward to this week when the maintenance guy came to fix the blinds (I promise I'm not a weak female when it comes to fixing some stinking blinds... some property managers just prefer to fix everything themselves) and Tag was chatting up a storm with this complete stranger. I was half listening from the next room when I suddenly hear this heroic tale:

Tag: And the way the blinds broke is... I open the window, and swing on the string like a hero! I tried to swing out the window!

Me: [running into the bedroom] So, the truth comes out!! Did you break the blinds?

Tag: [very startled at the sudden appearance of an authority figure] No, I di'n't.

Me: Did you swing on the blinds?

Tag: No. [with a perfectly straight face]

So... still working on the lie thing. I think he understands what a lie is, but I'm still trying to figure out how to get him to consistently tell the truth. I've got plenty of tactics I'm working with. It's just taking a while. -sigh-

Miss Princess is loving this kids' computer. We got it about 2 months ago for dirt cheap and it came with tons of kid level educational software on it. There are some games on there that she can do with ease and it just blows my mind. She can do the soduko puzzles where the numbers have been replaced with shapes, and there is another one that takes different snap shots of the globe and has her correctly place countries, continents, and provinces. She's a whiz at it and even helped me with central Europe and Africa. This kid organizes her sock drawer. She can do a few tavern puzzles. Can I brag some more? She matches all of the socks, folds other categories of laundry, and loves putting away dishes. How did I get so lucky with this child? All three of them just amaze me every day and I'm so grateful for each of them.

Pebbles' accomplishment of the week: 4 consecutive steps. Yes, folks, my baby is officially a toddler. Exciting. Saddening. Now I know why the youngest kid is spoiled. I just love that little monkey and wish she'd stay little. But... she's starting to get old enough to know better. The older two sometimes leave out dvd case out and unzipped. She wanders over, casually looks around, slips her hand in and pulls out a random disk. "[Pebbles]!" She starts and, without looking around, quickly puts the disc back in some random place, slams the case closed, then looks up and smiles, says "what?" with her sparkley eyes and slobbery grin.


Kelly said...

LOL about Tag & the blinds. I bought a couple of extra sets just in case we have an "accident" right before a house showing. M.S. is just FASCINATED with them---can't resist the temptation to play with them!!

Baby is walking everywhere this week. Last week it was just a few steps at a time. What is it with these kids thinking they're toddlers? ;) to start my day...

Andrea Hardee said...

That is a positively inspired idea, keeping extra blinds about. Within an hour of our news blinds being installed, two of the slats had been bent. -sigh-

How is your baby doing on solids? My last update was from a few months ago when things weren't going so well.

I can hardly believe they're both walking now. And saying a few words!! -sigh-