Friday, April 06, 2007


I should go through my posts and talk about successes as well as failures. Oh, well. Here are my recent failures:

1. I have finally submitted to the inevitability of menu planning. Not just menu planning, sit down every week and plan a menu, menu planning. I'm talking, 14 different dinners which are repeated every two weeks. Lame, boring, pain in the rear. But far less of a pain in the rear than the mental burden of using everything in the fridge in new and creative ways, coming up with a comprehensive list every week, going to all the stores I need to get to when we have only one car to run around in, the additional mental burden of timing everything so that it comes out of the oven at roughly the same time every night, and the emotional burden of something not coming out right b/c I was in a hurry. My family is pretty good about swallowing the hocky puck salmon patties as well as the melt-in-your-mouth garlic-lime pork chops but I'm tired of all of the above cons of weekly menu preparation. In addition to the cons above, I rarely got around to it. So, bi-weekly rotation it is. Subject to change as needed or an amazing sale on an ingredient that isn't featured.

2. I took a bunch of pictures last night and all of them turned out terribly. Blurry, my 360° panoramic is shaped line a sine wave, and it was too cloudy.

3. I have to get the kids to see a dr before I can get them completely registered for child care while I take a class in a few weeks. Due to a hiccup in the system, their primary care manager is a man over 400 miles away from here, so I had to do all sorts of hokey pokey to get them a local dr, and now I wait for the change to go through so I can get them in, hoping that everything gets taken care of before the deadline. Failure to plan appropriately is what that's called.

4. My home is a wreck from all of the errands I've had to walk to and otherwise take care of. Well, maybe not a wreck. I guess it's more like a mild disaster.

5. I'm sitting here whining rather than making my home NOT a wreck. There was a General Conference talk recently all about "quit whining, get off your rear, and live!"

Ok, ok. I blame the fozzle outside (fog+drizzle).

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