Saturday, April 21, 2007

Google me this

My brother Googled his name in the following format: "[Name] Needs".

Then, he posted the first 10 results.

Here's my list:

Annie Needs

1. Annie needs to be rescued by the armed forces (displaying male power)
2. Annie needs a home (referring to an underprivileged dog.)
3. annie [needs a new picture]
4. little orphan annie needs SMACK! Thumbnails
5. Annie needs foster or adopter ASAP
6. Annie needs a Woody
7. Annie needs a home
8. Annie needs a home
9. Annie needs a loving home
10. If Annie needs someone, or if someone needs her, she cannot open the door. No one robs Annie.

Some of these are bizarre, some are unspeakably funny. It seems like most of the Annie's of the world are pet dogs who end up in shelters. Someone said that I sound like Annie of the Oakley variety.

What about you? Does Google think you need anything?


jen said...

Apparently I need lots of things. My top 10:
1-Jen needs to have a session or two with a therapist (can't argue there!)
2-Jen needs a break (also true)
3- Jen needs to find a self righteous, conspicuous "I'm better than you" charitable position so she can keep charming the sheep into thinking she matters (ouch!!)
4- Jen needs your help
5- Jen needs human anatomy lessons
6-Jen needs no man! (not true. I need my husband)
7- Jen needs a new gun (the only gun I own is a glue gun)
8-Jen needs U2 tickets (i would LOVE to go to a U2 concert!)
9-Jen needs a martini (not at this late hour. Alone. that's just depressing).
10- Jen needs to move to Texas and get with Matthew McConaughey (hey...there's an idea!)

So a lot of mine dealt with Jen Aniston. I wonder if I talk about celebrities so casually. I'm sure I'm guilty of that. Some of these are VERY true--a therapist, a break, a martini, a vacation with MM (but only if he shaves and showers first. He's been looking very dirty lately). It seems Jen's are pretty needy people.

Andrea Hardee said...

LOL Some of those are just hilarious. And I agree... MM does grunge decently well, but come ON my man.