Thursday, April 26, 2007


Can we talk about laundry? I'm not complaining, just curious to know how other people manage their laundry systems.

My house is the sort where the washer and dryer are in the kitchen. My dirty clothes baskets are in a central area near the bedrooms and bathrooms. The dirty stuff gets hauled to the other side of the house where the machines are, then hauled to the living room to get folded, then hauled all over the house to get put away. Lather, rinse, repeat.

How do you do your laundry? I'm trying to think of ways to make the whole system a bit more central, but I can only think of two options:

1 -- Fold the laundry by the machines.
2 -- Fold it in my bedroom, where less than half of it gets put away.

I don't want to fold it in the kids' room since they have a bunk bed in there that's difficult to deal with if I need an open work space. As far as having the dirty stuff closer to the machines, I just can't see keeping all of that in such a public place. The only proximal and somewhat out of sight location for such a thing is the front coat closet.

On the other hand, I couldn't possibly run the laundry lines into the back bedroom which would be ideal. It'd be nice to have a "laundry room" where it all happens before it gets shipped back into the sleeping/dressing areas.

Maybe I should just be glad that I have machines to do my dirty work and that I get some exercise hauling everything all over my home. I don't think we'll actually get a home with a laundry room while we're still with the military, but I wonder if there's some way to make the layout of this place a little more homemaker friendly.

On the other hand (how many hands do I have?) Man says that I tend to reinvent the wheel when it comes to refining my various systems. I don't pick something and stick with it because I'm a perfectaplegic. If it isn't perfect, I tend to not do it. It's a real struggle for me to deal with these imperfect systems that I can't change a whole lot. Time to think outside the box.

[Winnie the Pooh] Think think, think think. [/WtP]


Anonymous said...

I prefer to fold clothes before they come up from the basement since they can hide there for a day or so if I can't put them away right away.
But since number two came along I fold in the living room and clean clothes end up in the baskets longer than I'd like.
Let us know your system when you find what works best.

jen said...

We don't have much laundry since it's just the two of us and I generally just do it all on Saturday morning and then fold it in the living room on Saturday night while we're watching a movie. Good luck finding a better way for your family.

Kelly said...

Well, you know where my machines are. Stuff that needs to be hung up goes onto the rod by the dryer, the rest comes up to the laundry room to be folded. The kids are learning to fold clothes while I read aloud. I've discovered if I fold downstairs that the children create catastrophes while I'm away. Dirty clothes right now are in hampers tucked into closets.

In the new house, I plan on having roller carts under a countertop where the children will deposit their dirty linens daily--whites, lights, darks, and special care. The countertop will be for folding and sorting, and I plan on doing that in the laundryroom then having a shelf where everyone has their clean clothes which they will pick up and put away daily (with help if needed).

I dh says I have process problems as well..trying to buy tools when all I need to do is do the work. ;)