Tuesday, October 02, 2007


We got to visit Grandma, Aunt R and Uncle A this past weekend. It's weird to think of grandma moving to Mexico but she seems really happy with the decision. Apparently a lot of American retirees go there to make the social security check stretch to manageble means. It bothers me a bit that all of that money isn't coming back into our economy, but if they could stay here comfortably, I'm sure they would. That is neither here nor there though.

Not much to report except that I've figured out that my prenatal pills give me restless leg syndrome and insomnia. ::sigh:: They are now morning pills and I look forward to a good night's rest tonight.

Who remembers The Jungle Book? It's been released again and my PX had it for $14, tax free. woohoo!! Compare that to Costco (though theirs was the platinum edition, which meant it came with weird little pins) at $24 and I'd say we got a good deal. I just love all of the songs in this movie, especially the one the monkey sings, and the one the bear sings, and the one the snake sings. It's fun to watch it as an adult and see how things look so different now, yet exactly the same.

Where do the days go? We've settled into a sort of weekly routine as far as picking up, dropping off, and naps for the younger two, but that routine means that there is no time for errands at all unless we seriously postpone Pebbles' nap. It makes the days so much longer but shorter to have this sort of routine. Funny how that works.

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