Saturday, October 06, 2007

First sick day... almost

Princess woke up yesterday with a deep cough that sounded really rather horrible. I asked her if she wanted to stay home sick since it was obvious to me that she wasn't faking the cough. She said yes, so I called her in.

By 8:30, she was chasing her brother around the house and into the font yard. I told her that if she was feeling well enough to do that, then she was well enough to clean her room. And clean it well.

So the kids and I dug into room cleaning and by the time we got all of the floors swept at the very end, I was telling Princess that since she did so well with her room that we should go clean the living room as well. She said that she'd rather go to school. Ok, I said, good choice. We got there in time for snack and four more hours of school.

Man said that his mom used to make him clean when he was home sick from school... now I'm seeing why that could have happened every now and then. ;)

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