Tuesday, October 16, 2007


It rained again today. It started out as a drizzle for a few hours but then really picked up toward dinner time. The kids wanted to play in the rain and I thought, eh, what the heck.

So they played by the back windows and kept knocking on the door to show me how muddy they were getting. Fine, fine. Whatever, kid.

So when it came time to bring them in for a good warm up, I hosed them off. It's about 64° F with a stiff ocean breeze out there so after a shivery hose down they were ready for a warm bath. I had them rinse in the shower first, then filled the bath but they decided to be stinkers and drain most of the water before they were done. I told them to go ahead and get out, they whined that they were still really cold, I told them that I wasn't going to put more water in since they already wasted a bunch of it, then I drained the rest hoping to freeze them out without a fight.

I walked away. They played. I chatted with Man. They played. I checked on the corn bread. They played and started to shiver. I went to make my bed. They shivered more and played. I got sick of it, marched into the bathroom and ordered them out. They refused, so I turned on a cold shower.

Their cries of outrage might have been heard all over the neighborhood. I shrugged and waited by the side of the shower with a towel to catch the first one who decided they had had enough. Amazingly, Tag was the first who cried Uncle. Princess took a bit longer but eventually caved.

So, now they're rinsed off but still freezing. What better way to warm up than to watch Happy Feet, an arctic movie?

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