Monday, October 15, 2007

General updates

So, what's happened since last Wednesday?

The kids decided to dump almost 2/3's of a bottle of glitter body spray on Tag's wood floor. The first I heard of it was a constant loud thumping against the wall closest to the living room because they were skating across it and hitting the wall. At least his room smells good now, and they cleaned it up all by themselves (under compulsion, of course).

Man and I went out on a date for the first time in about 4 months. Pebbles did surprisingly well, not even squawking when we left. We must be getting old, because we got back just shortly after they got tucked into bed. We went out to dinner on the warf and walked around the warf and parts of the outskirts of post. Has everyone seen the movie Big, with Tom Hanks? That fortune teller machine thing that grants his wish is posted right at the entrance of the warf. That was a total blast from the past.

Anyway, it was nice to get out and put a little more polish on the relationship. And I got another compliment to my cooking skills when Man said that next time we'd just have to farm the kids out for a night so I can cook. We'd save money that way, and since I've been learning we just havn't been too impressed with restaurants anymore. But the view of the bay from the restaurant is likely what most of the tab went to support, and the clam chowder was pretty darn tastey with some fresh sourdough bread. We walked back to our car with a very loud chorus of sea lions at a decibel on par with cicadas out in the country at high summer. Sea lions sound more comic though, and I think they're cuter.

Man then let me sleep in on Saturday, after which I went to a glucose test up at the hospital. That was interesting. The flat orange soda tasted just as nasty as always despite the hospital's efforts to keep it just above freezing which did NOT help when it came time to drink it all in under 5 mins. I spent most of the time fighting brain freeze in addition to keeping that vile syrupy stuff down. I went prepared with a high protein snack for afterward and was only darn tired the rest of the day instead of insane. After that I stopped at the commissary, taking my dear, precious time, then headed home. Soon after that Man took the older two kids out on a date while Pebbles slept. I didn't have kids for most of the day and didn't know what to do with myself.

(Tag just ran up to me to inform me that if I wanted to play in his room that I had to be wearing lipstick. I asked him if he was wearing lipstick. "Yep, the kind out of your bedroom, mom." Thank goodness he was talking about the Carmex.)

Did I tell anyone about the Jello that Pebbles got into a couple weeks ago? Tag left it down, she opened it, and loved every finger lick until her mother found her, apparently covered in a blood-like goo. Or the bottle of glow in the dark nail polish that Princess broke all over the tiles in the bathroom? (at least it was on tile) Or that Tag has found great joy in planting the top of his head into the sand park outside, then plowing, with his head, across half of it. It's amazing how much sand his hair holds now that it's growing out. Princess' messes also include the table manners she's learning in kindergarten which we're rigorously attemting to divest her of.

An OB visit brought another hearing of Freida's strong heart as well as the scheduling of another ultrasound to make sure the cyst on her brain in gone. (information about choroid plexus cysts). 90% rate of the cyst just going away sounds like pretty good odds to me. We'll know more after the 29th.

My OB also told me where to go around here for the best amount of loot in the least amount of time on Halloween. I told him that the amount of loot was not at issue. On the other hand, I intend to pilfer from said loot in contribute to advent bags. Hmmm.....

Whew! And now this post is long enough.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Wow. My kids have been tame lately. I am joining you in Advent fever though. I can't wait for my Jesse Tree book to come so that I can start working on my ornaments.

Glad you got out with your man.