Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What a headache!

After having headaches for about 4 months solid, Man finally got a really brutal migraine that's going on three days. He got put on quarters yesterday (the dr sent him home) and got a CAT scan this morning. We'll know next week what's going on with all that.

So, what do you do for headaches? Man has been taking tylenol, ibuprofen, and is now on ultram (scary stuff, dude) which hasn't even touched the pain at all. It just made him loopy. How many of you have seen Man on loopy drugs? That's some quality entertainment right there, even though he was still in a lot of pain.

Our area was recently sprayed with a pheremone that was supposed to get rid of a little moth that has been destroying crops around here for a while. After taking Tag in to get his asthma medications adjusted today I learned that a bunch of people have been seeing the doctor or going to the ER for allergy or asthma related issues very soon after the spraying. My eyes were really effected by it, blurring my vision so badly that I couldn't drive. Thankfully a judge halted the second spraying. It's interesting that in an area where everything is so jealously guarded that they'd allow such a tredmendous dumping of chemicals over such a huge swath of land, especially concerning a chemical that hasn't been determined to be safe for humans.

Oh, well. At least I wasn't in my first trimester when it happened.


Kelly said...

I have never found anything that really deals with the pain from migraines. I just throw up until I pass out. I tried a slew of things from the dr. and just wasn't willing to carry around autoinjectors all the time that were only semi helpful.

Does he have any idea what might be triggering them? For me it is all hormonal (although if my sleep cycle is whacked long enough that can do it too); for dh it is chocolate, sleep deprivation, and some other random thing.

I have been able to head them off. If I feel one coming about 10% of the time 1 aspirin, 1 tylenol (I know generally you are not supposed to take them at the same time but this is an exception to the rule), and 32 oz of a highly caffienated soda combined with a dark room and some deep yoga breathing does the trick.

Emily said...

My mother takes Imitrex for migraines and they are so much better than they used to be. When I was a kid she would get them so bad that she'd throw up and have to spend entire days in a dark room. Imitrex has helped her a lot.