Saturday, October 27, 2007

Song ringing through my head

Everyone gets it from time to time, that song that just won't go away even after you listen to it a few times, hum it in the shower, discuss it with a spouse or friend, and no matter how much you hear it or otherwise obsess over it, it never quite goes away. I'm not annoyed with it yet. If I get to that point I have tons of other songs to take its place.

House of the Rising Sun

The first time I heard it was at a marching band competition but my ear wasn't trained well enough at that point to hear the melody well, especially one I'd never heard before. Since then I've gained an appreciation of classic rock, especially revisiting the oldies my dad always had on the radio.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Do you think the house of the Rising Sun is there post-Katrina? lol... sorry!