Friday, October 19, 2007


Obviously we've got way more of a Christmas fixation around here than Halloween, so it's no surprise that the kids are already concocting their own legends surrounding the holiday.

Princess told Tag this morning that we should keep the presents up in the closet until Christmas night, then open them all after they got big.


Tag took this further, telling me that we should put them in the closet right now so that by the time Christmas comes, they'll be huge and ripe and big enough to open. So, we have to hurry and buy the presents today.

I told him that plants grow from sun and dirt and water, so what should presents have in order to get bigger?

Candy canes, apparently. And chocolate and milk.

And update on Man's permanent profile: according to real and actual documents, he is, in fact, undeployable.

On the other hand, he just got an email (don't worry, it's through a very secure email address) from some talent scouts that came to a talent show he participated in, inviting him to audition for The Soldier Show, which apparently travels around the world to preform for soldiers at various installations. He needs to send in a video of all of his various entertaining abilities (in his case, lots of music stuff, as well as some of his audio engineering skillz), as well as a high quality audio and a resume (along with the usual Army bucket load of other paperwork, but that's neither here nor there). I've strongly encouraged him to put the packet together starting as soon as possible. He seems hopeful but a little dubious, but hey, how often are you going to get a chance at an audition like this? It seems from the email that it only went out to about 20 different people across the country, and the local MWR rep (Morale, Welfare, and Recreation) wants to talk to Man right away to help him put together his packet.

Who the heck knows what'll happen? Maybe nothing. But what a fun morale boost for him to even put something like this together, and what a compliment to his talents. He came home in a bit of a daze, smiling like I havn't seen in a long time, and that's worth it right there.


Anonymous said...

Annie, the "presents growing bigger" thing deserves its own picture book. That is such a cool idea! Your kids rock! ...candy canes and chocolate milk...

:) KM

Kelly said...

Hurray for your man!

LOL about your foccacia dough. I have so BTDT lately.