Monday, October 29, 2007

Food, food everywhere!!

My dear friend is moving soon. She found out that her husband was rocked from training here and then they were given 8 days to get their house in order before they had to move and he had to report at different training. Talk about stressful.

So she came over yesterday with some food they couldn't take with them. Thanks to the generosity of her parents, they were well stocked with all kinds of food both fun and practical. So, over she came with 6 garbage bags full of loot. Man and I poked through the bounty is absolute wonder. Apparently my friend isn't used to having such food, herself, and is understandably sad to part with it.

I've never seen so many boxes of cereal in one place, or so many varieties of honey and ice cream toppings. Last night we tried some sort of microwave popcorn that you pour marshmallow topping over, the gourmet amaretto hot chocolate, the chocolate cereal straws, and the pizza blasted goldfish crackers. There were varieties of snack sized applesauce, cake mix, and prepared frosting. One that made me laugh were a couple of sacks of presifted bread flour. That's right, presifted. There was also a "complete meal" kit of the chicken fettuccine alfredo variety. There was Crystal Light in all manner of shapes and flavors, as well as herbal teas in abundance. And much, much more.

We've never, ever eaten like this in our lives. I've never seen so much prepared food come from one pantry. A lot of the easy stuff I'm going to save for after Freida is born. It's just too easy to go through bags of chicken nuggets and tater tots with a new born in the house.

Maybe we could hand out the individual servings of Crystal Light for Halloween. But not before I try all the flavors.

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