Thursday, August 16, 2007

On rashes

I took Princess to the dr today because of the rash on her face. It covered the bridge of her nose and all of her cheek bones in a bumpy, thick rash that just looked painful.

The dr said that it was likely to be caused by Fifth Disease. The rash just looked like an allergic reaction until the dr found out about her recent illness that is still lingering, listened to her lungs, and said that the rash is more likely of viral origin. When I was engaged to Man and brought him out here to meet the 'rents, my youngest sister had fifth disease and yes, I was prego. So I had to stay with friends while we were visiting so Frodo (who would become Princess Butterfly) wouldn't get miscarried. Ack!! Well, I looked it up and it only would have hurt the current Frodo in the first trimester. Which is crazy because she caught it maybe 1-2 weeks after my first trimester was completed. Besides, I only got a bit of a cold from it, which is also what Tag caught. What's puzzling is that Pebbles has not gotten the rash, but she didn't start into her illness until a week after PB did. PB is no longer contagious once the rash starts up, but she had been going to school for a week before the rash appeared. Gosh, I hope they don't come after me with the pitchforks and torches (a la Shrek). Thing is, I asked if I should bring her in with the cough and they said it was ok. -sigh-

So, the rash is looking a lot better today. It still looks uncomfortable even though she says it only hurts when she touches it. I just hope it doesn't scar. Dr said to use Tylenol if needed, Claritin, and plenty of sun screen.

Now, on to the next adventure!

1 comment:

jen said...

I got Fifths Disease in 2nd grade really badly. It didn't scar though and I remember not being able to play outside until it cleared up. Poor Princess. Hope she's well soon!