Thursday, August 23, 2007

carpet micro-clutter

How in the world can I sweep very thoroughly and then get on my hands and knees to wash the floor only to end up with another pile of sand, cheerios, and other miscellaneous crap by the time I'm done?

I also move my couches, sweep under them, sweep the hallway, each bathroom and bedroom, the kitchen and entry way, and I still get stuff all over my feet mere minutes later.

Anyway, I'm just grumpy. The van is eating into our finances more than I thought it was going to and it's a tough pill to swallow. My friend M called today and she encouraged me to become a nurse practitioner. I think what we ought to do it put me through school for that, "accidentally" make Man lose a toe so he gets a medical discharge from the Army, and then I'll bring home the bacon. Regular nurses make more money than we do even if you factor in all of the "benefits" we get like mostly free medical care and free school lunches. They keep us just poor enough that we qualify for welfare and food stamps but just provided for enough that we have all the basics taken care of. If I got through enough school to be a nurse practitioner I wouldn't have to pay as many loans as a real doctor but I'd still pull down enough money to support a family modestly.

How does one pull oneself out of the poverty rut? Education? I know lots of people who have an education and didn't do that, and others who have no education who managed to make middle class. Oh, well. Education is a good place to start.

1 comment:

Sarah Beck said...

I think that becoming an NP is a great idea! It would always give you something to fall back on if something ever happened to Man plus you could help bring home the bacon too! You're a really smart girl, so I think it's totally worth it.