Thursday, August 23, 2007

Is anyone crafty?

I have a vision of something kinda fun I'd like to do with Hershey's Kisses wrappers (since this is an immenently renewable resource what with Man around) but I'm not sure what supplies to use for it. I know I'll need an adhesive and some sort of coating to protect them, but it's also an idea for a Christmas present so I'm not going to describe it in depth here.

What would I use to coat soft foil like that to keep it in place and protected from rubbing? Modpodge? Shellac? It won't be something that ever gets wet, if that helps.


Kelly said...

Hmm....I would use a clear modpodge as the adhesive and put a coat of it over the items as well, and then maybe a thick shellac if it's going to get any use whatsover. My concern is that the foil may no longer look shiny, so I'd test it out first. ;)

Anonymous said...

I've always had great luck with clear, glossy acrylic paint. Then again, every craft I have done is usually make from trash.
won't get wet? Elmer's Glue usually makes a nice clear, crusty coating when dry.
