Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hard knocks

Today I picked up Princess. She told me about her day: her teacher had to go home sick, Tag smashed her finger in the car door, and a girl at school doesn't like her and she doesn't know why. I thought about all of these significant problems in her young life, tyring to remember the pain of realizing for the first time that life is full of problems. I assured her that all through my life and hers there will be random people who will decide for whatever reason not to like us, but don't worry. Let's count all of our good friends who we love and who love us (you know, to keep the whole thing simple). That made her smile but I could tell it still bothered her. As we pulled into the driveway she burst out with

"Mom, my life isn't perfect. Did you know that?"


Just... wow, kid.

So I said, look. Your teacher went home sick. That means that her life isn't perfect either. She thought about that and listed off other people she knew who got sick or otherwise had bad days. lol

I don't remember how old I was when I dove off this particular illusion cliff but it's just so thrilling and a little painful to watch my young woman start to think for herself as well as acquire bad habits and prejudices from her classmates. Like it or not, it's an uphill battle from here on out against all of the garbage she'll have to learn to not learn.

1 comment:

wet watermelon said...

A, my life is just not perfect, either. Are you the person to tell? lol Thanks for sharing this. I can't wait until my own 'little mirrors' come along--I think I will benefit greatly from the cosmic satire.
-K :)