Thursday, June 19, 2008

Would you like some rice cereal with that foot?

I've tried lots of different solids options with Miss Freida but she just prefers the gooey slurry of commercial rice cereal. Go figure.

However, she's in the stage now where she wants to participate in this whole feeding thing but she's definitely less than helpful. I like either end of the spectrum: either keep your arms and legs outside your mouth at all times, or go make your own stinking sandwich. I put a spoonful of whatever mush we're working on at the time into her eager mouth, which she prefers with a toe chaser. Sometimes the finger appy doesn't quite cut it, and occasionally she'll prefer more substance than baby goop so she adds a good helping of socked foot. [insert fiber joke here] Of course, once the body part of preference has done its job of enhancing her prandial enjoyment, the food being enhanced is then transferred to other objects which also require embellishment. I can understand how the same car seat for both feedings and outings would get a little boring, but the Wee Mistress needs some lessons in, erm, tasteful decor.

Remember how rice cereal acts as a lovely quick dry cement? Yeah. I just wanted to reiterate that.

She's taken to enjoying putting things into her own mouth which is great because then I can just leave her sitting among a pile of toys while I do something essential and quick, like maybe sneeze, without her feeling totally deprived. On the other hand, I'm worried that she'll be one of those babies who just has to put everything she sees into her mouth. The "see-food diet" becomes the "see-everything diet" but of course a certain measure of caution will prevail after her umpteenth helping of dirt clod, lemon wedge, or maybe mechanical pencil refills. I don't even want to think about the mystery objects little ones find under couches, because then I'd have to clean every crevice and nook in desperate haste. And I'm just not that sort of person.

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