Sunday, June 01, 2008

There was a pan of brownies on my clothes washer

There was a pan of brownies on my clothes washer, which happens to reside in my kitchen.

When I started a load of laundry, I snuck a corner.

When I unloaded the dishwasher, I snuck an edge.

When I swept, I snuck just a slice.

After lunch, I had merely a small piece.

When I put the clothes in the drier, I evened up the pan.

When I loaded the dishwasher, I tried a sample.

When I washed the floor, I had some crumbs.

When I took out the trash, I had but a small bit.

Which leads me to conclude: Brownies don't make me fat. Housework makes me fat.


Emily said...

Interesting observation. From now on, more brownies, less housework.

Anne Marie said...

hilarious! I completely agree with your finding.

Kelly said...
