Thursday, June 26, 2008

enjoying the doing more than the getting it done

- My sister in law called us up on Monday to ask if we could do lunch on Wednesday. Yeah!! She lives clear across the country and I havn't seen her in a couple of years. It was so fun to sit and visit with her and lunch was all too short.

- Man finally got his orders. We get to go with him! He just has a bit more training before we move on to our next station, which will hopefully be longer term than what we've been experiencing. The very good news: we will be moving before school starts for the kids. Moving is such a pain in the rear, but I'm so happy to have dates and a place in mind.

- I cut my hair. Well, I paid someone to cut my hair. It's medium length again after growing it out pretty much since we moved here. It's light, bouncy, super-uber easy to style (as in, I don't and it still looks somewhat alright), and doesn't break as much when Freida grabs a hank and yanks.

- The two little girls had physicals this week. Freida is 18 pounds (at 6 months) while Pebbles hangs out in the mid 20's. They're on opposite sides of the median on the growth chart but are healthy, happy, and Pebbles will never allow her meager stature to diminish her presence. We measured Princess at home and she's managed to grow three inches in 6 months, for a grand total of 52 inches. Not bad for a 6 year old.

- We took Tag's training wheels off today. He wanted them off but is spooked about riding his bike without them. I took a trip down the street on Man's bike just to show him that it could be done and the saying is true: I hadn't forgotten how to ride one. What I did forget was how much fun it was and now I have a goal for the pennies I've been earning here and there.

- My birthday is coming up soon, which means I have to renew my driver's license and I'll be edging my way toward my late 20's. -sigh- I guess it had to happen some day. Poor Man is edging toward his mid 30's which I guess may be more depressing. For him, not me.

- Once again, I've composed all sorts of blog posts in my brain that disappear with the next spill to pick up or errand to run. Birthday wish list: small notebooks I can put all over my hotspots for quick blogging notes (places where I compose: while trying to go to sleep, in the shower, while changing a diaper, driving, and any time I'm trying to avoid housework. "sorry, can't sweep. must enrich my mind with purposeful internet use rather than aimless internet use. what's the difference? go away kid. you bother me."

Latest easy meal:

1 bag of flash frozen chicken thighs (bone in, it's much cheaper)
1/2 bottle bbq sauce

Dump chicken and bbq sauce into the slow cooker for 8 hours.

Salad: 1/2 head romaine, add about 2 cups of prepared coleslaw veggies. Add either craisins and poppyseed dressing or let people dress their own.

Potato wedges: cut a few potatoes into wedges. Place in either large Ziploc or large Gladlock with olive oil, salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder. Shake like mad. Place, cut side down, on (shhhh, foil lined) cookie sheet or on your trusty pizza stone. Bake at 350 for half an hour.

Prep time: 15 mins, tops.
Cooking time, all day.
Time from "I'm hungry" until sitting at the table: as long as it takes to get your kids to set the flatware.
Dishes: except for the crockpot, minimal. Soak the crockpot. Or use a liner.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Awesome you get to go with your dh to the next duty station. Any chance of disclosing where that is??? ;)

Congrats on getting the training wheels off. We are still solidly in the training wheel stage. We took them off and our kids freaked so we put them back on.

Mr. Social and your Princess seem to be the same size still. I've noticed a couple of kids are starting to catch up with M. in terms of height, but he generally continues to tower over people.

Great to hear from you!