Monday, December 03, 2007

Weekly update.

It seems like weekly updates lately! Oh, well, here's how the week went. (grumpy post)

Lil' Miss Pebbles got some shots a couple of weeks ago so last week her general irritation and fevers just seemed to be residual nastiness from those. The poor child hadn't had a well-child check up since she was 4 months old but I didn't remember the aftershock of immunizations being so difficult to deal with. Come to find out that, after teething so nicely for all of her other little pearly whites, her second year molars were playing merry heck with her ability to deal with life. She basically either cried or slept from last Wednesday until last night. I poured pain meds down her throat as I could since she refused to take them but we still managed to lose more sleep than we found. Last night she threw herself on the floor and just wailed for the 12 dozenth time so I left my almost-untouched dinner and went to the store to get some chewable pain meds. When I came home I told her I had some candy for her which she eagerly ate. 30 mins later she was tentatively smiling and showing interest in her own dinner. Relief! And now I will never go without a variety of pain-killing mediums ever again.

Looking forward to sleeping through the night, I lay my tired head down only to find myself groggily kissing Tag's ear because "a spider crawled into it and bit" him. Huh? Go back to bed kid. He's such a good boy and went back to bed but a few mins later I woke up to his pained wailing. He's usually pretty good about pain so I got up to see what was going on. His ear still hurt. Packed with wax. We went through about a quart of water trying to get anything out and did manage to get some results, but not before he was done with the whole operation. Great. More pain meds, sent him back to bed, but he was still up every 30-60 mins with pain or nightmares or being scared. This morning we get to wash it out until I'm satisfied that it's clean.

We had some friends over Saturday and they were kind enough to tolerate our crazy kids and we still managed to have some good fun and conversation. They're fellow Whose Line Is It Anyway fans, Man grilled, and I mostly stayed on the couch after enduring a lot of standing time at a community Christmas party earlier that same day, the redeeming coolness of said party being the three large bouncy structures they managed to fit into the community center ball room. It kept the kids busy while we caught up with friends and wore Tag down enough for a good nap.

Last night I tried ginger bread again with slightly better results. I used normal molasses this time but foolishly used a recipe that didn't call for salt and had too much baking soda in it. Oh, well. Third time's a charm and this last attempt was worlds better than the blackstrap nastiness from last time.

The only thing that has gotten me through this week has been a couple of phone conversations, especially my dear friend M who happened to phone right in the middle of a Pebbles melt down. Thank you, M! You were the high light of my week.

Now, off to clean out a Tag ear. Too bad I can't just take it off and send it in for a factory refurbishing. Or turn it inside out like a belly button.

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