Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Have you ever gone to sleep, knowing something sigificant might happen tomorrow? You know, something inevidable but largely unscheduled?

Man and I crashed into bed around 10:15. It took me over an hour to go to sleep because of a feeling of anticipation, but by 1 I woke up with regular, painful contractions that hurt enough to keep this tired pregnant lady awake. So, I've had a bath, shaved my legs, pumiced my feet, made up the call list and child care instructions paper, all the while sipping water and am considering trying to sleep once more. Contractions are once again irregular but painful. Thank heaven for Tylenol and sheer exhaustion.

This baby is coming soon.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I'm glad to have found another leg shaver & feet pumicer. With Princess's birth I remember begging dh to paint my toenails after an exasperated attempt to do it myself.

Hope you get some rest in before the big day!

Any chance of a belly shot post?