Monday, December 17, 2007


Miss Pebbles is experiencing a boom in her vocabulary. Just yesterday she started hollering about the "bacuum" that Princess was using in the living room (because, as every knows, "bacuuming" is a privilege, not a chore).

Before heading out to church I was doing the final kid roundup and found Pebbles laying down on her back on the rug in my room with an orange-sized ball stuffed under her shirt. She looked so peaceful and when she noticed me, her face took on an urgency that made me laugh and she softly but intently said "button!!", pointing to her stomach. Which is, of course, short for belly button. I just about fell over laughing at my little pretender.

Watching Pinky and the Brain the other day we caught Brain's Brain song (parts of the brain) and when he got to the dendrites Princess asked "are those synapses?" [double take] Erm, what? Grunt of protest from the girl, complete with eye roll. "Synapses, mom." What are they teaching you at kindergarten, child?

Tag moment... every moment is a Tag moment. He's so darn creative and perceptive and sweet. Nothing specific today, but we sure enjoy this child.

Makes me wonder how different, amazing, and enjoyable our littlest will be.