Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Just got back from the Dr appt. I'm 50% effaced and 3 cm dilated. He looked me in the eye and said he's pretty sure I won't be pregnant for 4 more weeks. I've been coughing like crazy, fighting this nasty cold, and I finally asked for an antibiotic today since it's so stubborn and I'm so sick of fighting it. And it's giving me a nice sinus infection to boot.

But ACK!!! Our due date was just some sort of nebulous "some day" event that I was carefully not thinking about so I wouldn't get all nesty and crazy. Forget about that sort of calm. I still need her to stay in there another week and a half so she's full term but after that... anything goes. My dr said if I get too dilated without any real action that it would be safer to induce so I don't give birth where I don't want to. Man has very strong feelings about making sure we're at the hospital with pain medicine, and a sterile environment and all that jazz.

Anyway, sorry if I alarmed anyone by posting the title and nothing else at first. I accidentally hit the "enter" button instead of tab.


jen said...

um......you okay?

Kelly said...

Hang in there. This is your 4th baby and your body knows what it's doing. It's just prepping you for the day. Bodies of women who have had multiple children (especially close together like ours) react different than primagravidas and frankly your doc should be more concerned if you weren't starting to dialate and efface at this point. Being induced with bub at 38 weeks (when I was 6-7 cm) was great, and I still went on to have a 9 hour labor so don't freak out about having an unintended homebirth. (Although if you want to know how to prep an emergency homebirth kit to calm your fears I can give you directions.)

Beyond that, even if Freida were to make her appearance tomorrow, most 36 wk'er babies get to come home with their moms. Her lungs have matured more rapidly than if she were a boy.

Keep yourself hydrated. Lay off the red raspberry tea if you've been drinking it for a couple of weeks. Eat some raw garlic and drink some elderberry tea and see if you can do something to help your immune system. I labored with Princess with a bad cold. I survived but having bodywracking coughs while trying to push wasn't ideal.

((A)). Wish your kiddos could come play with mine so you could get some quality naptime in.

Andrea Hardee said...

K, you're awesome. Homebirth kit! What would Man say if he saw me putting one of those together...

I'm not too worried about delivering at home, but the reality of actually giving birth has merely hit me like a Mack truck. You hit the nail on the head with the hydration thing, especially since a nice, very painful contraction got me up from a nap this afternoon.

I'm just trying to direct my sense of urgency into doing what I've put off: the two hospital bags, washing baby linens and clothing, and setting up an appt to get all of the preregistration paperwork done.

Thankfully, the kids have been playing quietly ever since Princess got home. The peace and quiet has been my whiskey.

What my nesting instinct is telling me to do: a full OAMC session, make the house guest-ready in case we need emergency baby sitting, purge every box and shelf in the house of clutter, completely take care of the gardening mess outside (wilting tomato plants), crochet a baby blanket and a couple of scarves for friends... yeah. Like any of that's going to happen.

Kelly said...

LOL. Isn't it funny what weird nesting instincts we get? Yesterday I was looking at dye at Wal-Mart to see if any of it was procion so I could tie-dye chinese pre-fold diapers. Like I'm even pregnant right now....????