Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sooner than we thought

So I went to a dr appt today. Turns out even though I'm not dilating very much beyond what I've already done, I am experiencing gestational hypertension. So, we're inducing Friday. :)


Kelly said...

Friday's good, right? You still have a couple of days to clean off your schedule and you'll be home in time for Christmas for sure!!

How do you feel about this?

Andrea Hardee said...

Sure! Friday's good. Except it's the day AFTER everyone is deciding to leave for Christmas break. I have one friend who can watch the kids until about 8:30 at night, so we either need to find another person to tuck the kids in and stay there until Man can get home, or... well, I guess that's my only option. :)

And yes, I'd love to be home for Christmas!

I'm nervous, excited, not-prepared but over-prepared. Basically spazzing but also somewhat paralyzed. I knew it was coming soon but... ack!

Andrea Hardee said...

Oh, forgot to mention that it's also the birthday of both my sister and siser in law! Talk about having a family birthday.

Kelly said...

That is a serious family birthday. At least people will hopefully remember. ;)

Do you have an early morning induction time? Chances are that that will work out to have your dh home by 8:30 if Freida gets in gear.

Are you eating extra cinnamon and laying off the salt until Friday?

I'm excited for you!!