Friday, December 14, 2007

So now it's safe to talk about....

All of the urban legends concerning labor induction at home!

Today we're term. So, yesterday, I did yard work and ran a bunch of errands. Then there was the Christmas party which woke Freida up and made her do the Foxtrot, upside down, on my tender stomach. We left early after I got sick of being in massive pain.

Today my friend reminded me that primrose oil has prostglandins in it and either ingested or applied directly to the area of concern can induce labor. Hmmmm.... one of Man's sergeants joked last night that if I happened to go into labor or deliver some time on Monday that Man could avoid a test and take a very extended Christmas break. No pressure.

Anyone hear of the Prego Pizza?

We tried a bunch of stuff when Princess had a hard time coming, including donuts in the stake center parking lot, swing dancing, long walks on uneven ground, Chinese food, Mexican food, driving over speed bumps, etc. Maybe we just had too much time on our hands.

The only sure way I've experienced induction was through pitocin which shall not be denied.

Man wants to rearrange the living room, too, so I'm thinking of helping him with that this weekend (being careful not to hurt myself, of course!!) and we're already thinking of ways to trim down our possessions for our puddle jump next year. So, I'm going to be doing some lifting to take care of a few things before postpartum recovery puts me in a chair for a month in earnest.

Now, before the comments section fills with helpful tips (which I'm looking forward to) remember that some of my lovely, more proper relatives read this blog, too, so keep it clean. ;)


Kelly said...

lol. You're funny. Do you or don't you want to have this baby?

Evening Primrose Oil does contain prostaglanadins and will help ripen a cervix, but will not put you into true labor. Since you're already starting to efface and dialate, I don't know that it can do a whole lot for you. But, if you want to give it a go, you can open a capsule and apply it directly.

I would avoid blue & black cohosh and castor oil like the plague. It often puts the baby into distress and you really don't want problems with meconium staining. The cohoshes have also been associated with other problems with baby, including cardiac seriously, don't do it. ;)

Red Raspberry Leaf tea will help your uterus tone. At your stage you can drink 3 cups a day. It will not put you into labor but will help your uterus during labor.

Some people recommend Polly Jean's 5 week formula as a way to promote labor but last I checked it also contained cohosh.

Um....if I were you:
1. Spend time with your dh. ;)
2. If you go the induction route, allow them to just break your bag of waters. Most women go into labor on their own within 4 hours. It took me 6, but I'm special. I'd avoid pitocin if you can. It's a nice way to boost atonic contractions, but not a fun way to get things going. If they are concerned about "the clock" have them start you on an antibiotic drip 12 hours in and let them monitor you. Don't do like I did with M. and just have a labor just from pitocin. Pitocin is hard on a baby and on a mom. Too many women end up with c-sections that way.

This is a *way* long post so if you want more detailed info, feel free to call or email me. I've done a fair amount of research on this one.

Kelly said...

Oh, might have some good ideas too. The search bar is pretty good. I spent a lot of time scrolling around there when I was preparing for my first VBAC.