Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My Sweet Man

Poor Man. After night time false labor, he always wakes up a bit when I get up to make a bathroom run at night so he's getting about as much sleep as I am. He mentioned yesterday that today and tomorrow would be kind of bummer days to go into labor since they were basically going to play in class and enjoy the earnings of the store he started so many months ago. He's done taking care of the store for the rest of the time he's here but, even after buying gifts for their teachers, they still have a few hundred dollars leftover of pure profit with which they are going to throw themselves a nice class party.

I told him I'd keep that in mind. You know, so I could experience guilt if my water broke during his class party. ;) Just kidding.

So this morning he woke me up by kissing me all over my face (my all time fav way to greet the day, I must say) and then asked if I was in labor at all or if my water had broken, and was my cell phone charged. No, no, and yes, dear. Will I call if any of the above happens? Yes, dear, if any "hospitalness" happens I will call right away.

He was just so sweet and excited and in a good mood, looking forward to a new day and a new baby. It made it so much easier and enjoyable to crawl out of my warm covers and actually shower and dress before rousing kids for the school run.

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