Wednesday, June 27, 2007

This 'n That

Let's see, what's been up?

1. Infection has gone the way nasty infections ought to go -- gone!! Even the injuries from the tape are fading fast.

2. Garden is getting pretty mature. My cilantro is taller than Pebbles but is now going to seed. That was fast!! I havn't even used it for anything yet. Next time I'll take advantage of it while it's in its prime. The squash is still growing despite holes in the leaves. And I finally strung up the peas. Poor things, I had to detangle them a bit and drape them over the string.

3. I'd post about what I've been reading in the news, but hey, I'm not up for many discussions in these areas. It's either politics or sensitive ethical issues in medicine, or war. I'm done talking about war for right now.

4. Recent movies:

Baptists at our BBQ -- an LDS flick that was kinda funny. The chick from the LDS movie Charlie was the love interest in this one. She tries so hard to appear to be this perfect, surreal, ethereal, but essentially flawed woman who men just fall all over themselves for, but it's obvious that she's trying, which bugs me. The movie overall was cute but I was uncomfortable with the outrageous stereotypes. Not that they don't exist, but I sure don't like seeing them.

Benchwarmers -- Loved it. Kinda crude humor, but by and large it's very eccentric and geek-oriented and not too bad. I like the "stick up for the nerd" message but really loved the "forgive the bully" message. Don't watch it if you don't like gay jokes.

Talladega Nights -- I couldn't watch this one. I had to turn it off after about 30 mins due to the way over the top nastiness. It's like Adam Sandler, Will Ferrel, and Sacha Baron Cohen all got together, got drunk, and wrote a script they would have loved to see when they were in the 6th grade. And hey, in high school, I mighta laughed at it.

The Devil Wears Prada -- I actually liked this one. No overtly distasteful humor and it has a real message that helped me get through cleaning out the most embarrassing room in my house. I adore Meryl Streep's performance in this movie. I didn't even think during the movie that it looked like a hard role to play, but thinking about it afterward I was struck with how very difficult it would be to stay in that sort of character if it's essentially different from your own self.

And a couple of Barbie movies. lol Not surprisingly, Miss Princess adores Barbie movies since they include girlie stuff like ballet, fairies, and mermaids. I used to dream about that stuff myself, so I don't begrudge her the watching of these relatively short flicks.

5. Recent music: (iTunes purchases, so just one song at at time)

- Somebody by Depeche Mode. Man's "us" song. :)

- I Cry and Something Still by Felicia Sorensen. I have these songs buried somewhere in a box on a tape. These were the two I loved best besides her rendition of How Can I Keep From Singing which I have yet to acquire.

- Like an Angel Passing Through My Room by Sissel. She has the voice of an exquisite angel.

- She Walks in Beauty also by Sissel.

1 comment:

jen said...

I also adored Devil Wears Prada. I read the book first and actually liked the movie more--which is rare for me.
I also must have a teenage boy's sense of humor because I LOVED Talledega Nights. Maybe because it is so representative (and was filmed 15 miles away) of where I live and the people that live here. I admit, I love what some consider "crude humor"--Family Guy & South Park leave me clutching my sides because I find them so funny. But everyone is different I suppose!
I just recently saw The Godfather for the first time. What an awesome movie. Totally lived up to the hype.