Sunday, June 10, 2007

Speaking of twins...

Have you heard about the third sort of twin? We all know about identical (one sperm, one egg, they fertilize, split, you get two people, same gender, same DNA) and fraternal (two sperms, two eggs, they share 50% just like any other siblings, same or differnet genders), and now there are semi-identical twins (one egg, two sperm, they fertilize then split, they share mother's DNA but only have of father's DNA, one is male the other is a hermaphrodite).

There are a few variations on the above. For instance, a woman can have two sexual partners resulting in fraternal twins that are half-siblings.

There are also identical twins of different genders where one twin has a chomosomal defect which makes them technically not identical, but they were still monozygotic (or coming from one fertized egg).

Then there are the rare cases when people of mixed race have fraternal twins and one is black while the other is white. (google "black and white twins" for more pictures and their stories)

Anyone believe in "evil" twins? Or telepathic twins? Or twins that speak their own secret language? The language one actually happens. There's a lady in my ward who has id twins who had the language. They both have some speech difficulties as a result, but they have exactly the same ones.


jen said...

woah! I think the fraternal twins where one is white and one is dark would be crazy! And it would terrify me to have a baby hermaphrodite. How do you decide which sex it's going to be? Or do you give it a unisex name and raise it a bit ambiguously and let them choose? I would hate to decide that it's a boy and then have this child that always feels like it was supposed to be a girl or something.
In all the dreams I've had where I'm pregnant, I'm always pregnant with twins. They don't run in either family, but that would sure be a lot of work.

Kelly said...

Dh has twins on his side of the family. I think it's a good endorsement not to have kids after age 35. ;)

A lot of mixed couples who have twins have children who are different colors. The babies will always be lighter than the darker parent, but rarely the same least that's my understanding of how the genetics work.