Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Prego sick much?

Morning sickness has attacked! I'm ill all the time now and food of any sort looks evil. (Mike Myers: Eee-vil, as in, the frew-its of the dev-ill) I spent today eating toas, changing diapers, reading, and dinner was frozen junk from the freezer.

On a happy note, I get my first real OB appt in early July. Some time soon after that I'll get an ultrasound. I'm not sure if I get only one, and I need to look into the epidural policy, just to make sure that these important items are made the most of.

One of my little tomato plants is already putting out some flowers. I got these nice, large tomato cages so they'd have plenty of growing space but now this little midget plant is already thinking of bearing fruit!! My dill is getting huge and my cilantro is absolutely enormous. I think my squash is dying since the leaves are full of holes, and pea plants are turning yellow. I guess that's what I get for planting them in places that don't get enough sun. I wonder if it's too late to try for the back of the house?


Kelly said...

No morning sickness (or pregnancy) here! Sorry you're going through that... Since you're finally in a part of the world with good citrus, have you tried squeezing lime or lemon juice into your glass of water?

Let me know if you want me to mail you some preggy pops or ginger candy....

Emily said...

So, is this your official announcement to the world?

I hope the yuckiness goes away soon! I had a very easy pregnancy besides the horrible morning sickness that didn't go away until 35 weeks. You'd think if it stuck around that long it would just stay with me to the end, as my constant companion. But luckily, near the end I did have some relief and I was finally able to eat something besides S*****ttios. (I used stars just incase the thought of certain foods makes you sick as it did me. So if you really want to figure out what I could eat, you just have to solve the puzzle.)