Sunday, June 10, 2007

How many could YOU handle at once?

I took Princess with me to church last week while we left the three more-sickies at home (Man and I could have tossed a coin, but he went by himself the previous week). I asked her while we were driving how she would feel if we had another baby.

P: I think we should have three babies.
A: What??
P: Yep, Pebbles, and then two more.

Now, I knew a lady years back who told me that her son told her she was pregnant before she knew she was, then later told her she was having two at once before she knew she was. So I know it's a bit superstitious to put any credit in the predictions of a young one in most cases, but it has me a little creeped out.

Later I asked if she wanted a boy or a girl. She said we should have one of each.

Haha. Maybe I should toss salt over my shoulder, knock on some wood, point my bed north, and go have an ultrasound.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

My babies come *ONE* at a time. I've made myself very clear on that point. ;)