Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Don't forget to take my new poll over to the right!


Mediocre Renaissance Man said...

I see that "Brains" is winning, but let me offer my humble opinion on why it would be rotten to have more than one brain.

Imagine if you needed to completely agree with your husband on every little detail of every decision before doing anything. You'd never get anything done quickly, if ever.

Multiple brains would cause conflicts and indicisiveness more than anything. Segal's law explains:
A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure.

Life with one brain is far more efficient than a life with multiple brains. Trust me.

Andrea Hardee said...

Someone has internet!

I think the reason it's leading is that there are a lot of women who read this. :) I agree that having more than one brain would be a pain, but the idea that I was going for was the capacity to rationally deal with surroundings and people who all demand and level of attention which I, in my current state, cannot provide. Each thing must wait its turn to a degree, and in that process I lose track of many things. This is why I often forget things on my grocery list, or neglect to bring the all-important bag of church snacks.

:) Like I said -- it's been scientifically proven that a woman in the presence of children loses the ability to reason and retain. It's still made up, and it still makes perfect sense.