Friday, June 12, 2009

Lincoln Memorial (pic heavy)

It took a lot of driving (which Man did) and some hiking, but we finally got to see a few of the notable bits of our Nation's Capital.

We followed this hippo for most of the beltway.

First we went to Bethesda for Man's shoulder. -sigh- More tests. Many tests. Thanks for paying your taxes.

Oh, and meet Stanley. He is a little friend of a little friend. Stanley fits in the mail and travels where our little friend cannot, so we take pictures of Stanley when we go do something fun and send Little Cupcake the pictures.

Washington Harbour:

Interesting building:

Kids holding Stanley:

National Cathedral:

Another interesting building:

Someone else's kids:

There was a long line of people who wanted to get pics of their kids under the Gettysburg Address, so I figured these ones were cute and went with it. I have tons of pics of my kids and will continue to add to the collection.

But Stanley insisted on getting in the frame:

What a hoser.

Lincoln Memorial from the outside:

The big guy himself:

That older gentleman in the frame has a very interesting look on his face. I'm glad I caught it. It kinda changes the whole tone of the photo.

Washington Monument from the Memorial:

It's interesting how postcards always show it empty and majestic and lonely. I like seeing all these people who are free to gather and talk and take photos. They're laughing and lounging on the steps and wearing t-shirts that say something they're thinking. Some of them are feeding the geese that are motoring around the reflection pool and a lot of them speak foreign languages. I think having all the people there says as much about the Memorial as the Memorial itself.

Another angle:

The kids have decided that they don't like sight-seeing. It involves too much walking and too little playing. I guess it has a lot more meaning to me as an adult anyway.

Temple from the beltway heading west:

It looks a lot bigger and more castle-like in real life.

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