Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Goodness. Oh. My.

First of all, my baby sister recently turned 18. It just blows my mind, especially since, when I moved out of my parents house, she was still a kid. Now she's a legal adult and applying for college. Go, Echo!! You can do it!

Next, the first big mess of the day. I set the water to boil and then went to check on something. I came back to the smell of burning chocolate Malt-o-Meal. Pebbles had taken breakfast into her own hands.

I stood there, shaking for a moment, before barking a choked "bed!" at the two year old who brought this to pass.

Then I turned around to see what Bean had done with the last 10 mins of her life: (edited to add: I just realized how awful the preceding sentence sounds. No, it wasn't the last 10 mins of her life but the most recent 10 mins of her life. Gosh. How morbid was that.)

Which wasn't so bad, except that she does this about 10 times a day. Time to email the land lord and ask if we can baby proof.

But how can I stay mad at this face?
I can't.

I can't stay mad at this face either, even after she took her haircut even further. Her bangs are so short now that parts of the hair in front look buzzed.

1 comment:

Mamabug said...

I wish that I couldn't relate to you on the hair cutting episode & the emptying of cupboards - but darn I can.