Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Empty Nester? NOT!

Today's randomly selected topic: Tell about your life as the children left home - new interest, what did you do with the extra time -- new employment, movies, hobbies, etc.

Hmmm. Well, when the older kids started going to school, my house was very clean. I felt like I finally had time to scrape things into order without it falling apart instantly.

Then I found Hulu. And I start visiting teaching. And I have two callings. And then there's cooking, and grocery shopping, laundry, keeping up with the kids on chore charts and homework, reading... do you see where this is going? It's like income. As soon as you get more, you feel rich but then you always find ways to spend it and need more.

I always thought that I'd do things like go to school (which is still on the backburner for the next place we live -- our New Year's tradition is to file a FAFSA about 5 mins after midnight), maybe drive around more and do fun mom things, as if I only had two kids. I've thought about gardening which is a lot of fun but nothing I really want to invest in here. I thought I'd exercise a lot more, which I guess I am, since "some" is a lot more than "none."

I like the part in that movie "Failure to Launch" where the guy leaves his parents' house only to find that his dad has converted his old bedroom into a "naked room". Ha! My parents just made a study when I left. I think it'd be nice to have less stuff around with fewer people, and nice to have the place stuffed to the gills when the people come back to visit with more people. I like to think that I'd spend some of all that free time making sure this is a great place for the kids and grands to come for the holidays.

I've always wanted to paint a really big picture on one wall of my house. Something with cherry blossoms or a lighthouse. And a poem. A short poem that's profound, beautiful, and excites a person to be better just by reading it and owning it in their hearts.

When I find that poem, I'll let you know. It might have to a haiku, given my patience/skill levels. Although stencils can make up for a lot in both of those areas.

I know one thing for sure: I won't be moping around when they're all gone. There is too much to do!

1 comment:

Victoria and Steve said...

I was actually just thinking about this very topic 10 minutes ago. Since I love the "mom" parts of my job like reading books and playing at the park (okay,not the breaking up fights part), I think I'm going to have a really hard time. I still have not grown to love the physical tasks of taking care of my home, so I think I'm in trouble when they're all in school and even more so when they're all gone. I'm going to just have to work, hopefully the volunteer kind, so it will be a little more flexible and fulfilling.