Thursday, May 08, 2008

When my mouth gets bigger than my brain

Princess' class just had some baby chicks hatch a couple of days ago. The parents were all strong armed by their wee ones into petting the cute lil' things. But one parent asked if it was a boy or a girl. Another parent asked:

P: How are you supposed to be able to tell that?
A: Magnifying glass?
P: -nervous laugh- I suppose so.
A: Maybe you could wait to see if it giggles when someone farts.
P: -cross eyed look- Uh-huh.

-sigh- Which is why I don't always make great friends with the other parents at school. Oh, well.


Emily said...

Well, I think you're funny!

Andrea Hardee said...

Looks aren't everything!

Thank you, Emily. ;)