Friday, January 02, 2009

Weight View

Have you ever wondered what you might look like if you were a little slimmer? I have photos from when I was a senior in high school, but I find those to be more depressing than motivating.

Behold, WeightView. They use "patented technology" to digitally shrink you to your weight goal, hoping that this will motivate you to take the carrots, leave the cannoli.



I put in my height, and that I wanted to lose 50 pounds. I am noticing that it isn't perfect -- I was hoping my arms would slim up more than that, and my fingers still look puffy. :)

-laugh- -sigh- Breakfast = 1 egg, one slice of rye bread, tons of water, and a whole apple.

Lunch = 1 burrito with homemade, fat free beans, 2 T of finely chopped fajita chicken, shredded cabbage, and fresh tomato salsa.

Dinner = I'm going to try Friend M's chili recipe she sent, which is actually going to be really healthy since I'm going to drain my hamburger off quite thoroughly and cook the beans from dried.

Today's frugal tip: Cooking beans from dried is so cheap. Use the money you save initially to buy some smallish gladware containers to freeze them into portions that work with your family/recipes, cook a whole crockpot full at a time, and thus save your family money, sodium, and nutrition. My mom has told me that cooking garbonzo's from dried tastes so much better than canned, and I agree wholeheartedly. I havn't quite got them to the same texture yet, as mine always seem to turn out slightly more firm than canned. And, at $1 per pound that easily quadruples in size and weight with cooking, it's a great addition to your cupboard and freezer.

Beans aren't just for soups or chilis. Add some black beans to your green salad for a flavor, texture, and nutritive punch. Make sure to add kidney beans to your taco salad to stretch the meat and lower the overall fat content. Mash them a bit and serve next to your rice side dish to make a complete protein that makes you feel more full for longer.

Speaking of rice, we always use rice in our burritos not only to complete the protein, but also to stretch the meat a little further or omit the meat entirely (we like homemade chipotle style). Even if you use brown basmati rice its cooked weight is less expensive than meat nowadays.

So now I'm going to go follow my own advice and maybe hit the bike twice today.


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Go hotty!

Anonymous said...

Russ and I agree that you looked very good at Christmas. I hope you lose weight for your own sake, but you are gorgeous and wonderful whether you do or not! LYSM, Mom

Anne Marie said...

You look beautiful in the "before" picture!