Monday, January 12, 2009

Buying stuff from Amazon is Hard!

Before Christmas I found dozens of things that were worthy of putting into my virtual cart only to agonize over the funds and whether I wanted to add more junk to my home. Do I really need more cheap books that I read twice and put away forever? Do I need more kitchen gadgets? (The answer to this one is usually "Yes!!") Do the kids need more toys when their toy boxes e'en now yea verily runneth over? (yes, I did that sentence on purpose.)

My kind uncle sent an gift card. I'm claiming it as mine since Man already got himself his Christmas stuff (computer stuff, we've already gone over that) and now I'm faced with a horrible problem: I can't think of what to buy.

I looked at the smaller crockpots because I had been thinking of getting one. There are many uses for small crockpots including dinner items that tend to be, well, smaller. But I checked the price at WalMart and found one for half the price in the size I wanted.

The other things in my cart are crockpot liners (which I love, love, love), an otoscope (by Dr Mom) and an earwax removal syringe.

Now, getting all defensive, the ear stuff isn't for me. I'm a q-tip-after-every-shower kind of girl. My kids get stopped up ears about once a year and I'm tired of using a broken and jury rigged otoscope I got from Walgreens eons ago to try to peek into wiggly kid head caves and go spelunking for gosh knows what with the help of a 3 ounce bulb syringe, and a gallon of warm water mixed with H2O2. (wouldn't that end up being H2O1/2?)

What would you buy on Amazon?


Anonymous said...

If it was a Christmas present then you should buy something just for you and something that makes you happy. You get to decide what sort of happiness you want. Long term or short term. Ear wax or none! I'm the same way though, I can "buy" or at least want a bazillion things but when I get the cash, I have to hem & haw forever!

Andrea Hardee said...

True but I can't buy happiness, I mean yarn over Amazon without feeling and seeing it first.

Anonymous said...


Andrea Hardee said...

Ooo, I know who left the "kites" comment!

Hi Dad. :)

Emily said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kelly said...

skip that otoscope. I own it. It sucks.

I've never had a problem with spending money on amazon....books, craving the books...oh, and cute diaper bags, and a new stroller, and hello, clothing from Target!, or magazine subscriptions or... :)

Andrea Hardee said...

Kelly, that is good to know. I guess I'll have to look at the local shops and see what's to be found.