Thursday, January 22, 2009

Amazon again

I can't believe I ordered this.

Let's recap:

1. I don't like pain. I'm so an epidural during labor kind of person. (Pitocin helped influence that decision, but even without it I'm sure I'd still be an epidural person)

2. I'm out of shape. We havn't been doing the walking to school thing because the tire on the double stroller has been out and I'm been too lazy to get on the bike regularly.

3. I can't find the DVD remote. So I'll be stuck just hitting play on the box until I can locate it or figure out this universal remote we have knocking around the entertainment center.

4. Doesn't this lady look intimidating? I don't want a body like that, with abs like a dude. I just want to feel good and be strong.

5. Someone else I've been reading hurt herself doing this video. Erck!

6. I couldn't even do a belly dancing exercise video because it kicked my arms' butt!

7. I can't do even one push up, let alone the 20 they do to "warm up".

I blame the constant decongestants I've been on the last 36 hours. I also blame them for making the dumb mistake of giving a mesmer the secondary class of paragon in Guild Wars. Paragon!! What kind of bozo would do something stupid like that?

I guess I better hit the bike 2-3 times a day until it gets here. And maybe start taking preemptive vicoden.

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