Monday, April 28, 2008

Would you rather have it all at once?

I don't know if you can tell in this pic, but this poor child has the flu and pink eye. It started with Pebbles more than two weeks ago, moved on to the older kids, then me and Frieda, then Man, and now pink eye is doing reverse rounds back through the family. Would you rahter have everyone have all of it all at once, or spaced out like this over an entire month?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have you ever read the Great Brain series? Mama has a plan whenever one of the kids gets sick with something contagious - and that is to make sure all the kids get it in order to have it over and done with. Probably wouldn't work with pink-eye so much, but very effective with measles and mumps. :) I think the story came from "Me and My Little Brain."