Saturday, April 19, 2008

Another busy Saturday

According to the Army, this is the Month of the Military Child. So they throw a nice, big party with lots of vendors represented, free lunch, and more pens and key chains than you'd ever want to admit to owning. Last year the lines for everything were unbearable. This year we got there 15 mins before it actually started and the weather was on the cold/windy side so the lines weren't bad at all. The three olders all rode on ponies and generally had a blast. There were Coast Guard boats to explore, bouncy castles to run amok in, things to pet, and free stuff that kids love to collect from each booth. Man and I were tired by the end but I think it was worth going to.

Here are a few highlights. Princess went with Man for most of it while I took the other three, so I don't have many pics of her.

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