Friday, April 04, 2008

this week

This week so far

Monday - clean up from weekend/spring break. Try to get to some grocery shopping, fail. Kids needed naps, we had appt with chaplain in evening. Kids late to bed. Everyone grumpy.

Tuesday - Try to get to some grocery shopping, fail. Watch friend's kid instead, then watch other friend's two kids until after dinner time. Get more cleaning done, hurray.

Wednesday - Try to get some grocery shopping done, fail. Grumpy kids, kids needed naps, busy day getting paperwork done on the home front. Also notice that my personal milk supply is getting very low. Baby unhappy, hungry, nursing all the time.

Thursday - Friend asks if we can swap babysitting so we can both go to gym. Cool, we start at 9 and give each other two hours. Also notice that milk is low still despite much nursing of baby, pumping after she's done, and drinking extra water. Finaly manage to get some grocery shopping done in 15 mins before commissary closed.

Friday - Woke up to find that Pebbles had lost her dinner in her crib some time last night. Much grateful for large washers with "sanitary" cycle. Still lack of milk, still nursing lots (much to my lack of sleep) and very, very tired. No gym today with sick child and other child who is hungry. :(

Tomorrow -- you can pry me from my house and/or bed when I'm dead and cold.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Can you eat some oatmeal or get some fenugreek? Alfalfa, Marshmallow or Blessed Thistle will also work. Our local health food stores have an herbal tea called "mother's milk" tea which has a bunch of these galactagogue herbs put together in tea bags for you already. ;)

I have also tried and failed to go to the grocery store several times this week.