Sunday, April 13, 2008

Good weekend

Saturday got off to a busy start with a quick tendon check at the hospital for Princess (she's fine), an hour at a neighborhood ice cream social at our park, and a birthday party for Tag's friend. After I got home we shipped the older three off to a friend's house for a few hours while Man and I watched movies and snuggled on the couch.

I've often thought about what I'd do with my time if I were temporarily kidless, like when they all go to school. Would I take the opportunity to clean? Catch up on household projects? Maybe I'd read, go to the gym, hang out with friends, go take care of errands I just feel I can't quite get to with the little ones crawling all over me. Maybe get that degree I've been dreaming about.

So what'd I do with a kid-free afternoon? I caught up on the most important earthly relationship I have. I'd say that's an afternoon very well spent.

Anyway, Man helped set the house to rights in the evening (one of the perks of Quality Time). Half the household manifested ill this morning so I got to take the other half with me to church which was also most of a vacation. It's still so strange to get to go to the mother's room and chat, go to relief society and hear adults speak, and still not know half my own ward. It's also strange that so many people I knew moved in after we did are now moving on to what's next. I met a couple who had just moved in for whom coming to this city is their next step in moving on. They've done the newly wed thing, college, and are now working on a career. Wow. We've been married for over three quarters of a decade and we're still not into that whole career thing yet. Maybe some day.

And now for something completely different and totally TMI (Too Much Information, for the uninitiated):

I mentioned several posts ago that my milk supply was dwindling for unknown reasons. Sister in law J sent some mother's milk tea. I sipped a cup this past Thursday to wind down after drama and the next day HOLY COW. All I'm going to say is that stuff works, folks. Tried it again the next night and HOLY TOLEDO it worked again. Didn't drink any last night and once again, dwindling supply. I've never, in my whole life, had an herbal remedy work that quickly and so profoundly and as advertised. Thank you, Sister in law J, for a fantastic brew that makes both mom and baby sigh in relief.

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