Monday, November 19, 2007

What makes you unique

In our children's class every week, when we all get together at the end of our block of meetings, the primary presidency does something called Spotlight. They have all the kids stand up and then they start to read off the mystery child's list of "favorites" and little known facts until there is only one child standing and the mystery person is revealed. It sounds nice and organized on paper, but lot of the kids will stand back up if they like what's being said so there are always several kids left at the end until the name is read.

Anyway, yesterday, the Primary President tried to eliminate everyone else but the one person, declaring that no one else in the room could claim this particular little known fact. Drum roll... this person is the 7th child in her family. lol Three other people raised their hands, including two teachers (one of whom was our very own Man). She was shocked! Wow, that was a lot of people in such HUGE families!!

Gosh, this lady's a Mormon, for Pete's sake. A California Mormon, but a Mormon nonetheless. I personally know dozens of families that have 6 or more children but then again, I did most of my growing up in the Midwest.

Is there something that's shocked you that you find out is actually quite common among your own culture?

I was shocked by the number of Mormons who drink caffeine. Shocked. Oh, well.

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